Thursday, December 12, 2013

Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday reading journals for "Things Fall Apart"

Tuesday reading journal:

 I think the Abame tribe reacted the way they did because they were scared. This is a natural reaction when you see someone you don't know and they come up to you. For example, if you were walking on the street and you hear fast footsteps behind you and you notice that that person is coming head on straight at you! That would be a terrifying situation and I think that this held true for the Abame tribe also.

Thursday reading journal:

I think Christianity took a cruel role in this book. I think that since Christianity was forced on this tribe, the religion is going to come off as cruel and pushy because it was forcibly put apon the tribe. It might have come across as ominous and a little disturbing like a storm that has now swept through the tribe and scattered everything out of place.

Friday reading journal:

I found that Things Fall Apart was definetley much more of an easy read than Heart of Darkness was. Colonialism in Heart of Darkness seemed seemed like the author was trying to make it sound normal but faintly, it sounded like he was a bit suspicious about the goings on under the seemingly harmless skin of colonializing native people of diffrent places. In Things Fall Apart, colonialism seems like nothing is okay and colonialism is an awful thing and the main character of the book commits suicide because of the pleasure he was going through with it all. I found that reading both books and then finally seeing where both authors outlooks on things compared and contrasted was very fun and interesting.

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